目前Windows phone 7.5下还没有系统截屏方法,从8的情况来看,7.8的系统应该会有截屏功能,但是目前还没有推送。 XDA上有开发者发布了几个截屏应用,功能很完善,但是都需要解锁。没办法。 选择其中一个比较方便的做一个介绍。 XDA原帖地址:http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1436742



** Usage:

  1. Start "WP Screenshot.exe" on your computer and make sure that port 50560 is open (or simply allow the application to access the network when Windows Firewall pops up).
  2. Start "WP Screenshot" on your Windows Phone device, enter the IP address of your computer (use local IP in case of running both parts on the same local network) and tap "Connect and start".
  3. Now, when you press any of the selected buttons, a screenshot should be sent to your PC (there you can do some neat things with it, try CTRL+H).
  4. When you want to stop the background worker, simply open the application again and tap "Stop".


1.先将XAP推送到你的手机安装。PC端程序需要.net 4.5 的支持。

2.在PC上运行 "WP Screenshot.exe" ,如果防火墙提示,放行即可(主要是需要通过端口 50560,单独设置也可)。

3.在手机端运行 "WP Screenshot" ,输入电脑 ip 地址,用本地ip即可,比如使用路由器上网,就是类似于 192.168.1.xxx 这样一个地址。可以选择使用 拍照键 或者 音量键进行截屏。

4.好了,在需要截屏的时候按下设定的键即可进行截屏,图片会自动发到电脑端。通过Ctrl + H 可以获得帮助信息,“保存”等快捷键。



** About: This is another Windows Phone Mango screenshot tool that works a bit differently from other implementation(s). It sends screenshots over the network to a PC application, so that you can instantly show your phone's screen on your monitor or projector.

** Usage:

  1. Start "WP Screenshot.exe" on your computer and make sure that port 50560 is open (or simply allow the application to access the network when Windows Firewall pops up).
  2. Start "WP Screenshot" on your Windows Phone device, enter the IP address of your computer (use local IP in case of running both parts on the same local network) and tap "Connect and start".
  3. Now, when you press any of the selected buttons, a screenshot should be sent to your PC (there you can do some neat things with it, try CTRL+H).
  4. When you want to stop the background worker, simply open the application again and tap "Stop".

** Current issues/limitations:

** Requirements:

** New in version 0.3:

** New in version 0.2:

The screen capturing part is based on "The DllImport project (by fiinix)".

I am looking forward to all the feedback and I'll do my best to fix and improve this application in the future.